The Hypocrite


So often, those of us who are believers in Christ are called hypocrites.  It seems to be the main charge against us from those who have a near hatred of Christ.  For a long while, that name, "hypocrite", really bothered me.  I protested against it, hated that name.  

What I learned through reading, bible study with a great group of ladies, and prayer, is that "hypocrite" is a correct name for at least me.  

Talk about an eye opener in my world.

These critics who call me a hypocrite are right.  I am a hypocrite.  I try very hard to do the works of and be a Christian.  I try to follow the bible the best I can.  I try to love, try to forgive, try to pray often, try to read the bible often, try to do good works, want to do and be better in the name of Jesus.  Often times I fail.  I don't always love.  I harbor anger toward a handful of people.  I still struggle with forgiveness after years and years.  I don't always remember to pray when I really should.  I don't read my bible as often as I should.  My attempt at doing good works doesn't always work out as I'd hoped.  I'm still bearer of a smart and snarky mouth.  I think thoughts that I shouldn't.  Occasionally words come out of my mouth I hadn't used in years and feel ashamed of even thinking.  

I fail at being a Christian.  The only thing perfect about me is Jesus.  

There is a difference between me and my critics though.  Those who would (and do) call me a hypocrite and are rightfully so in their comments, don't feel guilty about doing the things that we do in common.  I do.  I feel guilty and convicted when I am angry over things that are meaningless in the light of eternity.  I am convicted over unforgiveness I hold tightly in my heart against past wrongs.  When words come flying out of my mouth that I shouldn't have said, I immediately feel the Holy Spirit saying "now you know better than that".  

Hypocrite?  Yes.  I am human.  I will always have the sin nature.  You will too.  You are human.  Imperfect.  But, this is where Jesus comes in.  He is the perfection we seek.  He is the only one who lived a sinless, perfect Christian life.  No other person has.  As believers, we strive to live as close as we can to a Christian life, but we will always fall short.  That doesn't stop us from trying, from telling others what Jesus has done for us, from sharing His love.  We as believers fall short of His perfection daily, but He still does a work through us anyway.  

Yes, I am a hypocrite.  I will always be one in the eyes of those who would mock Jesus, who hate what He stands for.  Jesus knows me though, and loves me anyway.  That is what matters to me.

