Peace in Chaos


Our world is headlong into chaos.  Now, this is nothing new, we've seen it for years.  It's been spiraling farther and farther away from the Bible and God for a long while.  Each day the news puts out more and more chaotic stories, we see more wars and rumors of wars, mass murders, abuse, neglect, and so so much more.  

How can we have peace in the midst of chaos around us?  Is it possible?


We are told in Scripture to fear not, be anxious for nothing, and that the Lord will be with us always.  We can absolutely trust Him when the world is crumbling around us.  He has not forsaken us, He will never never leave His children alone to face the world by ourselves.  

Today, take your focus off the news, off the TV, off world events.  Put your focus on the Lord.  Let His eyes guide you--if you're watching Him, He can absolutely guide your steps.  Let Him hold you close to His side.  He will not leave you.  He won't leave you to flounder out in the world.  He continues to protect us each and every day from what could potentially hurt us.  If you know Him as Savior, He has you completely in the palm of His hand, never to let you go.  

If you don't know Him as your personal Lord and Savior, I'd be glad to help you with any questions, help point you to Him via Scripture.  

For those of us who do know Him as Savior, spend time in Psalms each day.  The Psalmist understood the things we feel, and the Psalms are such a comfort.  

Don't let the world get to you.  Don't let outside events draw you away from the One who created the world to begin with.  There is no fear in His perfect love.  Keep your eyes on Jesus all the way.

I'll be praying for you!

