YOU Are A Missionary!


I've been chatting with a lady lately about missions.  Her heart is for missions, and while she wants to go to the foreign field, God has kept her home.  

The majority of people believe a missionary is someone who goes to a foreign country and tell others about Jesus.  That's one definition.  But there's so many others who are missionaries, who never leave their town.  

My husbands parents were like this...they didn't leave this little town, but they gave the gospel to many.  His dad came here from Cuba, by way of Baptist missionaries on the island, to go to Bible college.  He married his English tutor, and went back to Cuba for his permanent residency visa, and it was at this time Castro took over Cuba.  He returned to the US and didn't go back to Cuba for around 40 years.  During his years here, he and Mom gave the gospel to everyone they met.  They sent bibles to foreign countries, they told local people about Jesus, they lived a life for Christ.  For 65 years they did this, and Dad still does this in the nursing home at 95 years old.  He talks about Jesus still, he has God's Word hidden in his heart.  

You are a missionary too.  You don't have to go to a foreign country, learn a new language, or anything like that.  You have neighbors, family, friends, etc who need to know who Jesus is and how much He loves them.  You are equipped already to be a missionary.  

Let the Lord lead you where ever He may have you go, whether it's to your neighbor, or across town, or across the country.  He has specific people He wants you to tell about Him.  Use the internet as a tool.  Write a card/letter.  Use your phone.  You have opportunities at your fingertips.  

Jesus loves you, and He wants you to tell others how much He loves them too!
