It's Finally Spring!

The calendar has been lying to us for a couple of months.  It has said spring has been here since March 21st.  It lied a horrible lie.  It continued with cold, wind, snow, more cold, did I mention cold?

It is now the first of May, and it has stopped snowing.  

My roses are blooming, the peonies are nearing opening, the irises are budding, and so on.  It's green again.  We've mowed twice.  YES!!!

We've had our windows open again, letting in that beautiful fresh air and letting out the stale air of winter.  It smells so sweet, the breeze coming through the windows.  

What do you like the most about spring?  I love the warmer weather, the spring storms, the open windows, the flowers, you name it.  I love spring! 

What are your favorite spring activities?

