Your Life Matters


God is not at all surprised at what we are seeing right now.  This whole year seems as though a shock to most of us, with unbelievable things happening that we would never dream of.  God isn't a bit surprised.  He gave us warnings in the Bible, in Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Timothy, and so on.  To be honest, it really shouldn't be a shocker to us who know the Lord.  We've been complacent, and it has caught a lot of us off guard seeing the way the world has moved so so fast in directions we didn't quite expect.  I'll be honest, I'm right there too.  Not once in my wildest dreams did I expect anything that we see right now to happen.

Instead of being afraid, upset, anxious, etc, it's time we seek out Jesus.  He is here with us.  Jesus loves you, regardless of what your skin color is, your background, where you live or where you grew up.  He loves you.  He created you with the traits you have, from your eye color to your skin tone, knows each and every hair on your head.  Never be ashamed of what you look like, regardless of what our medias say, what different groups tell you.  There is no shame in what color your skin is.  There is no shame in the traits you were born with.  Jesus loves you as you are, and He calls you to Him!  

Why do I say this?  Because YOUR life matters.  Jesus came down from His throne at the right hand of God, took on human flesh, born unto a virgin (and not a rich one at that).  He felt pain, suffering, joy, hunger, thirst, all the things that we humans feel.  He was homeless during his ministry years, didn't have the wealth and power and so on of today's high profile preachers and politicians and so on.  He didn't have a fancy chariot to take him from place to place, He used his own two feet.  He didn't have many fancy garments, nor the place to store them.  But, He taught grace, mercy, forgiveness, obedience, love for one another.  Salvation.  Jesus didn't have to come down to do that, He could have easily sent angels to do that work for Him.  But He did it.  Why?  Because your life matters to Him. 

He went to the cross and conquered death and hell because YOUR life matters.  He rose again and offers forgiveness to all whom would ask for it, because YOUR life matters to Him.  You are His creation, you matter to Him.  Never forget your worth, your value in His eyes.  People in this world will devalue others for different reasons, like skin color, gender, appearances, you name it, but Jesus doesn't.  He doesn't devalue you.  He values you so much He died for you, so that you may live with Him in heaven for eternity. 

Don't let the world's trash talk lead you to believe you are less in God's eyes.  You are His creation, created in His image.  You are dearly loved. 

If you'd like to know more about His love for you, I'd love to talk with you!  Simply message me and I'd be glad to tell you all about how much Jesus loves you.  
