Waning Summer Days


The summer has been quite a long one.  For most of us, summer started back in March when school let out from in-person sessions.  This summer has been unique, with circumstances that we as a whole never dreamed of.  

It's been such a hot summer, with little rain and lots of humidity.  And sweat.  Lots of sweat.  I don't do summer (or winter) well, so to me each summer (and winter) is something I'd love to just hibernate through.  This year we didn't have most of the opportunities we usually enjoy, like the pool for the kids, the state park close to us even shut down the swimming area and bathrooms (seriously!!) so that kept fishing to a minimum as long as one could hold out.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for outdoors relief, but no one wants to see my shiny hiney.  And I don't want a ticket or charges for indecent exposure.  (grins)  Once the facilities opened back up I was out there night fishing, along with many many others who were cooped up for months.  

So many things we are so familiar with here were cancelled.  The State Fair, the smaller get togethers here, the 4th of July fireworks displays (outside!!!!) at the lake and fairgrounds, and various other outside events.  Some are still cancelling fall get togethers.  Fear has been more the norm than anything.  People have been so afraid to be around each other, even outside in the sun and open air.  That's so unusual, especially in rural areas like ours where we are used to doing outdoors things and spending time with others outside.  

I spent most of my time inside, giving quality time to my sewing machines.  In doing so, I neglected my beloved flowers.  I have missed them.  When it cools sometime in the coming weeks, I shall get out there and clean up the overgrowth.  Most years I absolutely love spending time outside with my hands in the dirt, tending pretty flowers and making the front yard pretty.  This year it's been a chore to simply go outside.  It's almost been depressing.  

I'm hoping this fall, when cooler air comes, the desire to tend the yard returns.  I've missed working outside.  It is a long time love.  I'm also hoping the desire to bake, make things from scratch, do deep cleaning on the house, and so on returns.  It's been more of a survival mode for months, if that makes sense.  

How has summer been for you?  How have you handled the changes we have all experienced this year?
