The Scars Aren't Always Bad


We all have scars at some place on our bodies.  We've had injuries, surgeries, cuts and scrapes, bites, etc that have left wounds and eventually scars in their wake.   Some people proudly wear their scars, others hide them.  

Each scar was once a wound.  Open.  Bleeding.  Painful.  We want it healed now.  It hurts, it's messy, it draw attention to itself.  

Slowly the body works to heal itself, stitching itself back together from the inside out.  Tiny cells knit back together, nerves rejoin again, tissues and skin grow in ways that only God could have created, in the most efficient possible means.  

In a way, Jesus works like that as well.  We come to Him with open wounds in our soul, broken hearts, disturbed minds.  When we know Him as Lord and Savior, He knits us back together.  He takes the wounds left by our sins, our hurts, our poor decisions, and piece by piece puts us back together.  How many testimonies are out there of how the Lord took broken lives and knit them together again.  

Won't you come to Jesus with your wounds, hurts, broken heart?  He can heal you!  He can take the broken pieces of your life and bring them back together in ways only He can do.  He can take your broken heart and bring it back together.  He puts Himself in the healing process...each scar has a bit of Him in it.  He holds you together.  He works deep inside you to heal you.  

If you are interested in know more about how Jesus can heal you, I'd be glad to help!  Just message below in the comment section or email at thealabasterboxattire (at) .  I'd love to chat with you!
