Peace in the Midst of "Stay At Home" Orders


In a matter of weeks, our world has been upended.  Our normals are no longer normal.  What we once knew is so much different.  We don't know what the next day, or even hour, may hold as things change so fast in our current day and time.  

But God knows.  

Jesus, He knows everything, He knows what is going on here.  He knows the beginning and the end, and everything in between.  There's nothing that has gotten passed Him.  Us, well, we're not exactly all knowing, and we don't have a clue what the next minute may bring.  We have surprises left and right, some that send us reeling, some that shock us, some that are happy.  But we never know the next step exactly as He does.  

Our world is in absolute chaos right now.  It seems everyone is afraid of a virus no one can see outside of a microscope.  People have been hoarding supplies so that others cannot gather what they need in essentials.  For some reason there's a focus on toilet paper.  I don't understand that one.  Paper products seem to be the huge thing going, from toilet paper to paper towels to disinfectant wipes.  In my mind, I'd think food would be something more to hoard.  One cannot eat toilet paper well nor does paper towel sound appealing for a meal.  Milk, bread, and eggs flew off the shelves here, similar to when a winter storm comes through.  Ready to eat foods left quickly.  Meal makers were and are mostly easy to find.  Fresh fruits, veggies, meats, and so on--the healthy items--are easy to get, at least here in rural Kansas.  

We have started online schooling at home through our local school districts, and that has been quite an upheaval in our world.  Our teenagers are all on the autism spectrum at varying levels, and the schedules we knew, routines we followed, all went down the drain.  Granted it is proving to work out easier with online schooling, but it is still quite different than what we've been accustomed to.  There are the shut downs, meltdowns, refusals, and so on that come with changes in schedules.  We've worked to help them understand, and also reminded them that God is still on the throne no matter what happens around us.  

Our pastor is doing daily bible devotionals online, via facebook/youtube.  They are such an encouragement!  You can find them at Crossroads Baptist Church in Girard, KS.  The preaching is definitely worth a listen!  Tune in 11am and 6:30pm on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays to listen to what God has put on Pastor Mike Buckamneer's heart to preach.  You won't be disappointed.  

I hope you are doing well as we still sit under "stay at home" orders.  It is a tough time being away from those we love!  
