Learning Without the Degrees


*Note--I do not receive any compensation for links in this post*

It's been many many years since I've been inside a classroom.  I've been out of high school for 24 years, and only did a smattering of college classes and certificate courses after graduation.  Honestly, I never finished my degree I'd started in nursing.  Truth be told, I do regret not finishing it up, but God has yet to leave me without needs tended, so maybe it's not so bad afterall.  

Now, don't think that in not finishing college that one just stops learning.  I sure haven't!  There are many ways to keep on learning and gaining knowledge without sitting in a college classroom.  While you may not get a piece of paper saying you finished certain coursework, you do get the education in areas you seek out more indepth.  That is worth much in the scope of personal growth.  

This year has been such an odd year, and with everything shut down distance learning has really taken hold.  Some of us middle aged parents learned about Zoom and other means to meet and do classes, mainly because our kids were put into those once public schools shut down.  Others of us learned due to job requirements, with secured portals for meetings.   Course videos gained popularity as well, with a wealth of information contained in each video and accompanying PDF textbook.  

I learned about The Great Courses via documentaries on Amazon.  The Great Courses has a limited channel through Amazon that allows select courses for various subjects.  History courses caught my attention and I found on one the Black Death--the Bubonic Plague of the Middle Ages.  It was quite fitting for the season of coronavirus.  I was hooked after that series of several lecture videos.  After finding the main site online, I signed up for a membership and am in the middle of a lecture series on Infectious Diseases.  Now that's not something most housewives tend to seek out, but medical avenues fascinate me, as do other subjects in that line, like biology.  

Something else I've been getting much into--books.  Lots of books.  Nonfiction books.  Lately I've been reading books by Kent Heckenlively, Dr. Judith Mikovitz, and others of the same subject area.  I've also found some bible study books that are great to work through.  For the first time, I've learned to read with highlighters, to take notes and really pay attention.  I didn't learn that in school...it's more like memory just isn't keeping up as it used to.  

Do you enjoy learning?  Have you taken opportunity during the last months to engage in some online/distance learning?  What did you think of it?

I'd love to hear your experience!!  Comment below and share your thoughts!!
