Handling the Hard Times with Faith


The last few months have been quite rough.  Granted we as a nation have handled Covid restrictions and shut downs and quarantines and so on, but this goes a little personal.  We've had to face some mighty hard issues, and without God, we'd not have made it this far.

Since spring, we've handled hubby's father sinking into dementia and trying to help him navigate through the world with basically very little short term memory.  We tended to hubby's mother going from a small wound on her toe to below the knee amputation to passing away in the nursing home of osteomyelitis and sepsis.  We've went through a hastily put together funeral with significant Covid restrictions.  Quarantines came and went.  Covid hit us (me actually) and the kids had to stay home for 24 days despite not getting so much as a sniffle.  Hubby's father remained in the nursing home with the staff helping him as his dementia increased, and our ability as a family to visit diminished due to Covid precautions.  I lost my former (unofficial as I never married her son) mother in law--she was grandmother to my biological son, who absolutely loves his Nana.  She passed away after being in nursing care and then contracted Covid in the nursing home (not the same one hubby's parents are/were in) and sent to Research Hospital in Kansas City.  Her funeral and hubby's mother's funeral were the same day and same time in 2 different states.  Hubby quit one job, started another during this time.  People stole and continue to take from his family home that his parents had to leave behind.  We've lost friends due to various medical issues (not just Covid).  We've sent the oldest child out to college and had him stay with his biological mother with the hope of him working a part time job and going to the University.  Said child dropped out and also got fired from his job.  Hubby is having medical issues of his own that are decreasing his ability to work even part time.  Hubby's dad developed more psychiatric and medical issues.  

That's not close to all of the things we've had to handle since spring but it's a good running start.  

Through out this time, it's been easy to just go from zero to anxiety in a quick second.  Looking at everything in the world and all the things going on, it would be very very easy.  And, sadly I have done just that a time or two--jumped straight to anxiety instead of prayer.  

Scripture says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."  (Hebrews 13:5)  That means Jesus is with us always.  He doesn't leave us no matter what is going on in our lives.  I've heard this preached and taught for the past 17 years.  It should be ingrained, second nature almost.  But, I at times forget it.  It's almost like a thing I hear all the time but not pay attention so much to anymore.  

Philippians 4:6 says "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."   That is comforting as well.  It is easy to forget that God already has this problem, this worry, under control.  He knows what is going on, what started it, and how it will end.  

These past months have been hard, but God has never left.  He has not forsaken me or you.  Don't do as I have done from time to time and forgotten that the Lord is right there with us.  Keep seeking Him, keep looking up and have faith.  He loves you so very much!
